We all know kids are full of questions. They’re inquisitive and are always looking to learn something new. When it comes to science, the sky’s the limit because there SO many things to learn. Your child can’t even imagine how many different science topics there are to discover.
This is why it’s great to encourage your child to ask questions. That’s the only way they’re going to learn! Let’s take a look at why science questions for kids are a good idea as well as the top science-related questions. You can turn this into a little game with your children to test their knowledge and teach them a few things in the process.
In this article you will learn:
Why Science Questions for Kids are Awesome
10 Fun Science Questions for Kids
Why Science Questions for Kids are Awesome
The great thing about being a kid is that they’re generally not afraid to speak up and ask questions. This is a great quality to have! If your child is on the shy side, that’s okay because they can still learn to ask questions.
When children ask these questions it’s important for you as a parent to have the answers…the right answers! You don’t want to give them false information. That’s why we’re here! We have some great science questions (with the right answers) that you can share with your child. It will teach them cool facts and get their wheels turning.
10 Fun Science Questions for Kids
Here are some common science questions for kids that your child may ask you. You can even try asking them and see what they come up with. Turn this into a fun game where learning is the key!
1. Why is the sky blue?
The atmosphere surrounds the earth and is a mixture of gasses. The way the sun’s light travels through the atmosphere makes the sky look blue.
2. How do airplanes stay in the sky?
(This is a great little discussion to have if you’re planning a trip that involves taking a plane)
There are different pushes and pulls that make it possible for planes to fly. There is something called lift which is caused by the variation in air pressure when air flows under and over an airplane’s wings. This force lifts up. Weight opposes it which pulls it down.
The propellers moving the plane forward cause thrust. There is also something called drag which is caused by air resistance. When lift is more than weight, the plane rises. If thrust is more than drag, the plane gains speed.
The airplane’s wings are made to take advantage of the lift force. They are shaped so air travels farther over the top of the wing than underneath it.
3. How are rainbows made?
Rainbows form when light hits water droplets in the air and are bent. Rainbows are common after it rains. Sunlight beams shine towards the rain in the air. As the light enters the raindrops, it bends.
4. What is the name of the molten rock that pours from volcanoes?
It’s lava. Magma is made up of molten rock that is stored in the Earth’s crust. Lava is magma that reaches the surface.
5. Is kryptonite a real chemical element?
(great question if your child is a Superman fan!)
Nope! But, there is a chemical element called krypton.
6. What is the largest star in the solar system?
The sun.
7. What word do scientists use to describe a unit of measure that is also the name of an animal?
A mole.
8. What mineral is essential for our bones?
Calcium, so drink your milk!
9. How many bones are in the human body?
There are 206 bones in the human body.
10. What is the most used search engine?
Google is with about 92% of the search market share.
Final Thoughts
Science questions and answers like these are great icebreakers for kids to learn more about science. As they discover that there are 206 bones in the human body they may want to know more about them. After learning that kryptonite is not a real element, they may want to explore which ones are. It’s things like these that can get kids thinking!
At MakerKids we also get kids thinking with our robotics, coding, and Minecraft classes. Kids in grades 1-8 can ask plenty of science questions! For more information, call us at 1-844-MAKERKIDS.
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