“Quin Etnyre walks to the front of a crowded room at Deezmaker 3D Printers and Hackerspace in Pasadena, California. He adjusts his laptop on the workbench, then looks up and addresses the class. “Thanks for coming out on a Saturday,” he says, his voice barely audible over the steady hum of servomotors. The students, 18 middle-aged men and preteen boys, look on as Quin straightens his MIT T-shirt and swipes an index finger across an iPod. The screen behind him flashes “Intro to Arduino Class.” (from Popular Science)
Quin is a young maker who teaches others about Arduino. He even created his own product, the Qtechknow ArduSensor Learning Kit and started his own company. To read more about his story in the September 2013 issue of Popular Science: http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2013-08/short-circuit
The article features Super Awesome Sylvia, who hosts a mini maker show on YouTube teaching others about electronics like a heartbeat sensor using Arduino Lily Pad.
Thanks to Popular Science for also mentioning our Toronto makerspace for youth!
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