When you’re a parent, you always wonder if you’re doing things right, especially when it comes to allowing your children to do certain activities. There’s often a lot of discussion about when is the right time to let your children start to code. Parents are often concerned that they’re starting their kids too young.
But, is there a right time? Are children being introduced to coding too early in life? We’re going to explore that topic as we dive deeper into the world of coding for children.
When is the right time for kids to learn to code?
This is a tough question because there’s no single answer. The right age for your child may not be the right age for someone else’s child.
Many people say the magic age for kids to get introduced to coding is 7, while others say 5 or 6 is appropriate. The age you decide to start your kids with coding is going to depend on the child. If your child has a good attention span and can sit still for a good amount of time and pay attention to a lesson, they may be ready to start at age 5 or 6. But, if your child has a tough time sitting still for a lesson, you may want to wait until age 7. You can always try when they’re 5 or 6 and see how they do. Kids often surprise us! They may love coding so much that they stay engaged and active. Whatever age you choose, you’re still getting them on the path at a young age, which is only going to help them in the future.
The Difference Between Pressuring and Introducing Coding
When you’re talking about introducing coding to children, you’re doing just that…introducing. You’re not forcing the subject on them. You can simply get them involved in a beginner class that shows them all of the cool things coding can do and how it’s part of their everyday life. From there, you can gauge their response. If they tend to love it and especially if they ask for more lessons, you’re on the right track. But, if they show no interest, and if you have to force them to go to class, then coding may not be the best fit.
If you pressure your children to do something they obviously have no interest in doing, you’re hurting them and yourself. You’ll get stressed that they don’t want to do it, and they may act out because they’re just not interested.
Sometimes kids may not show an interest in an activity at first, but if you give it a little rest, they may decide to try it again later. The idea is that they’re deciding to do it and not being pressured into it.
The Benefits of Introducing Kids to Coding
If you decide to introduce coding to your kids when they’re young, they’re in store for some great benefits. Here’s a quick look:
Explore Their Creativity
Kids get to use their creativity when they’re learning to code. They get to make their ideas come to life. They may even surprise themselves with what they can do!
Learn Problem-Solving Skills
As kids get into coding, they quickly realize they have to work on their problem-solving skills. They not only need to figure out how to do something, but how to fix something when it doesn’t work the first time. This is a skill they can use in all parts of their life as they get older.
Giving Them a Head Start
When kids are introduced to coding at a young age, they get a head start in the exciting world of coding. This gives them an advantage over their peers as they get older. According to Code.org, 71% of all new STEM jobs are in computing. If children really get to like coding and want to make a career out of it, there are plenty of places they can go.
Introduce Your Kids to Coding at MakerKids
If you want to introduce your child to coding, MakerKids has lessons for kids of all ages. Our coding classes are available for kids in grades 1-8. Classes are age-appropriate so children can learn at their level. Our online classes make it easy for kids to join and meet peers from around the world. Small classes ensure that each child is receiving the attention they need.
There are also mini-makers classes for kids in grades 1-2 to teach them about the basics of coding. For more information on coding classes at MakerKids, call us at 1-844-MAKERKIDS or reach out to us online.
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