Welcome to our first Featured MakerKid series. Do you ever wonder where our MakerKids are now? They are doing great things, whether it be a class project, leading their school’s Minecraft club or being published. Check here regularly for more stories from our graduates.
Meet Goran, our first Featured MakerKid!
Name: Goran
Programs taken: Currently in Robotics with Graham on Sundays from 10am to 12pm. Has taken this for two ‘terms’. Also did sampler camp at this past March break; held his April bday party there too (Minecraft and 3D printing party); enrolled in a couple upcoming summer camps too (Sampler and Minecraft).
What we like about MakerKids: Very applicable to real life with the focus on STEM curriculum which primary schools do not have; hands on learning and not just on the computer – in robotics the kids actually build ‘things’ – also love how excited Goran is to go to MakerKids – he just won’t miss it for anything – he looks forward to it! – instructors are AMAZING – so good with kids and really work with them as students – they don’t talk to them like ‘kids’ and truly treat them with respect for their intelligence and ability to learn quickly.
What are you up to now (new projects, creations)? Goran loves airplanes so he is building a robotic airplane at MakerKids; he designed an entire airport on Minecraft; he is building an airport terminal at home 🙂

Check out Goran teaching his class about circuits!
Does your child want to be a featured MakerKid and showcase their work? Contact [email protected] for details.
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