If you thought coding was only for older kids, think again. Children under 10 can learn to code just as older kids can learn. Of course, the approach is going to be different, but the result can be the same. 

Teaching kids under 10 to code is not hard when you have the right tools at your disposal. At MakerKids, we have an experienced team dedicated to teaching children as young as those in first grade, the basics of STEM and topics like coding.

If your child is under 10 and you want to know how to teach them to code, we have some tips to get you on your way.

online coding classes for kids

Get Them Interested

When your child has already shown an interest in coding, you’re already well on your way. But, if they’re not sure or don’t even know what coding is, then it’s your job to get them interested. This can mean showing them how coding is a part of their everyday life. Some examples are:

  • Cell phones
  • Video games
  • Traffic lights
  • Laptops

As kids see that coding is something that’s a part of their everyday life, they may want to learn more about how things work.

Combine It With Something They Love

Coding can be implemented in many different hobbies. If they love to draw, you can introduce them to animation tools that can bring drawings to life.

Videogame lovers tend to latch onto coding because they often want to learn more about how they can make their own games. If your child loves robots, you can get them on the coding train that way. You can find anything they love and combine it with coding to begin teaching them.

Make it a Social Activity 

Kids don’t have to code alone. They can have tons of fun when they code with other kids. Look for after-school groups or ask parents around you if their kids want to learn too. You may be able to create little groups of future coders that can meet at different houses once a week or every other week.

Find Classes That Work


Not all coding classes are created equal. Some are too advanced for kids under 10-years-old and some don’t go far enough. At MakerKids, our classes are broken down into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Beginners learn about the basics and everything they need to know to code their own games. They’ll also see what it means to develop characters as well as storyboarding, animation, beta testing, and more.

Those at the intermediate level learn more about the coding language and how to control characters on a screen rather than alphanumeric text. Those who are advanced can take part in a website program where they learn how to code their own sites.

At MakerKids, we also have MiniMaker classes that are specifically designed for kids in grades 1-2. These are introductory classes that are geared toward giving younger children a taste of robotics and coding. In these classes, they learn how to design their own video games, create robotic inventions, do design and experimentation, and more.

Are You Interested in Coding for Your Young Child?

As you can see, we have a lot of experience when it comes to coding for 10 year-olds. Our coding classes are virtual, making them extremely convenient to get to!

Call us today at 1-844-MAKERKIDS or reach out to us online for more information on how your child can begin to learn to code. We offer a FREE trial class so your child can experience the world of coding and discover how fun it can be! 

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