As teachers try to fit all subject-matter into the school day, there are some programs that just don’t get the time they deserve in the classroom. While the importance of STEM is not something that is argued, sometimes teachers don’t get to spend as much time on it as they’d like. That’s why STEM education programs outside of school are so important.

STEM education programs teach kids valuable skills that they either can’t get inside the classroom or don’t get enough of inside the classroom. But, by bringing these two worlds together, children can reap the rewards.

Let’s take a look at several ways STEM education programs can help in the classroom.

STEM education programs use real-life concepts.

Kids can read about engineering and architecture in a book. But, when they can see it at work first-hand, and even create some of that magic, it’s priceless. STEM education programs show kids how STEM works in their everyday lives. Kids can use what they learn in their programs outside of school to supplement what they’re learning inside of school.

STEM education programs let kids explore their creativity.

When kids take part in STEM education programs, they learn very quickly that creativity is key. It can be the difference between a successful project and one that tanks. As kids learn to embrace their creativity and ignite it, they become confident to show it off in the classroom. Teachers embrace creative thinkers in the classroom. By taking part in STEM education programs, your child can have a leg up on his classmates.

STEM education programs teach problem-solving.

Too many times kids get frustrated when they face a problem they can’t solve. This can lead to frustration and can even make some kids quit. When kids take part in STEM education programs they learn how to tackle problems head-on. They learn that instead of running away from a problem, you need to look at multiple ways that it can be solved. This takes time and patience and is a skill that must be learned. As kids master the art of problem-solving, they can take their knowledge into the classroom and apply it there.

STEM education teaches leadership

Having leadership skills can help in the classroom. Through STEM programs, kids learn how to lead groups and work with others. These are valuable skills that can begin in STEM programs and continue in the classroom and beyond. Leadership skills are invaluable and can make a difference throughout a child’s life.

Try a STEM education program at MakerKids

At MakerKids, we offer STEM education programs in coding, robotics, and Minecraft. Kids learn the fundamentals of each area as well as soft skills, like teamwork and communication, which can help them to succeed. Many children who take classes at MakerKids take their skills into the classroom. If your child wants to try one of our classes, check us out online or call us at 1-844-MAKERKIDS.

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