Statistics show that the number of children on the autism spectrum who are pursuing degrees in STEM has increased over the years. Specifically, a study in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders revealed that 34.1% of children on the autism spectrum chose a STEM major in college. This is higher than the rate of the general population, at about 22%. The same study also revealed that children on the autism spectrum also had the highest STEM participation rates.

With such a large percentage pursuing a career in STEM, the importance of introducing children to STEM at an early age is even more pressing. Many children with autism tend to excel and be attracted to STEM topics for several reasons. As we explore these reasons, we’ll also tell you how you can get your child involved in a variety of STEM classes at MakerKids.

Why Children with Autism Gravitate Towards STEM

They Have a Logical and Creative Way of Thinking

Children on the autism spectrum are known to be creative and logical at the same time. They also tend to be visual thinkers. When you combine these three attributes, which are all linked to STEM, it should come as no surprise that children on the autism spectrum tend to gravitate more toward a STEM field.

Have a Talent for Analyzing

Some children on the autism spectrum look for patterns and can analyze them well. To be successful in the STEM field it is helpful to be able to analyze problems and use creativity in the process. Many children with autism possess these qualities which can be one reason why they tend to be interested in STEM topics.

Enjoy the Elements of STEM

STEM encourages everyone to think out of the box. Children with autism tend to do this naturally. They can also condense details into an entire idea more easily than others, which can make STEM attractive to them. This can help them develop their talent and see where it can take them. The sky’s the limit!

STEM is Hands-On

Many areas of STEM are very hands-on. They can involve putting things together and seeing how they work. Children with autism can particularly enjoy these activities because they enjoy hands-on learning. 

As you can see, children with autism can be especially drawn to STEM topics and thrive while doing these types of activities. If they are exposed to them at a young age, they have even more time to improve their skills and soar!

STEM classes at MakerKids


At MakerKids, we offer classes in coding, robotics, and Minecraft so that children can explore different STEM topics. We believe in teaching children various STEM topics so that they can develop an interest and see where it takes them.

We offer coding classes for children in grades 3-5 and grades 6-8. Children in these classes learn skills such as:

  • Storyboarding
  • Character development
  • Animation
  • Beta Testing 
  • Environment and level design

Our robotics classes also teach children important skills such as:

  • How to use a robotic controller
  • Wiring circuits
  • Electronics
  • Making lights work

These classes are also grouped for children in grades 3-5 and grades 6-8. They also incorporate math and coding topics.


During Minecraft classes at MakerKids, children are encouraged to use their love of Minecraft to learn about STEM topics such as robotics and coding. During these topics, children also learn communication skills and teamwork skills.

To learn more about all of our STEM classes, call MakerKids today at 1-844-MAKERKIDS or contact us online and learn more about how to book your free class!

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