During these times, many kids are taking classes online for the first time. It’s also a first for parents who are trying to navigate through all of the online choices that have suddenly popped up since many places have been forced to close.

With so many choices it can hard to know which online coding classes for kids are worth your kids’ time and your money. Here are some ways you can find the best online coding classes for kids.

Choose a Class That Speaks to Your Child’s Level

Whether your child has some experience in coding or they’re taking their first crack at it, be sure to choose a coding class that speaks to their level. If they’re a beginner, the class should simply introduce them to the material. If they’re more advanced, it should build on their skills.

As you look through the various online coding classes for kids, be sure that that it has courses for different age groups and skillsets. This will prevent kids from becoming frustrated when the material is too hard and prevent kids from getting bored when the material is too easy.

Choose a Class That’s Fun

We all know that kids need to be interested and engaged for them to actually enjoy an online class. Ask how the instructors engage kids and what types of projects they work on.  See if they’re something that your child would be interested in. You don’t want to enroll your child in an online class only for them to not be interested in the class.

Find Out What Interests Your Child

Ask your child what specifically interests them about coding. This will help you sort out the online coding classes for kids that are available. Any company holding the classes should be more than happy to share information about what they are offering.

Ask if Students Can Collaborate

While online classes are individual because you are doing them alone, there are other people in the class. Ask about the ratio of students to teachers. You want to make sure there are enough students to teachers so that they can get the attention they need.

Contact MakerKids

If you want to know more about online coding classes for kids, contact MakerKids. We are currently offering virtual classes in coding, robotics, and Minecraft. Our classes are grouped for those in grades 3-5 and those in grades 6-8. There are even mini-maker classes for kids in grades 1-2. Our classes have a small mentor to student ratios so all children receive the individual attention they deserve. For more information on our online classes, call us today at 1-844-MAKERKIDS or visit us online.

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