When it comes to coding, some parents may have the misconception that younger kids can’t or shouldn’t learn it. But, that’s not true at all! The younger your child can learn a skill like coding, the better off they’ll be.

Why code?

Coding is a skill that can open up so many doors for them, even when they’re young. At MakerKids, we know this is to be true which is why we not only teach coding to kids but encourage them to follow through and become better at their skills as they get older.

If you have a child who is between the ages of 8 and 10, you may be wondering if they must learn to code. We’re going to take a look at what kids learn when they code and why coding is important. You’ll see why coding is a necessary skill for young children to have.

kids coding

What do Children Learn When They Code?

At MakerKids, our coding classes are grouped for children in grades 3-5 and grades 6-8. They learn different skills at the different levels we offer.


Beginner classes are all about learning the basics. In these classes, kids will learn everything they need to know to code their own games. They’ll also see what it means to develop characters as well as storyboarding, animation, beta testing, and more.


Kids will learn more about the coding language as well as how to control characters on a screen rather than alphanumeric text.


In our advanced classes, we have a website design program that shows kids how to code their own websites. We also offer a Python class where they can learn that coding language. These are skills they can take with them well after the class is over.

Besides these hands-on skills, kids walk away from a coding class with much more. When they learn coding between the ages of 8-10, they are getting a leg up on the competition. They will have skills that children their age won’t have just yet.

There are other benefits as well. Let’s take a look.

What Happens When Children Learn Coding?

learn coding

When children learn coding, doors open. They get to explore different facets of their personalities while picking up real-life skills.


As kids learn how to code, they explore their creative side. They realize they have to be creative to think about different ways to code and reach their goals.


Coding can require some trial and error. Kids need to learn problem-solving skills to figure out how to get to the next level. This is a skill they’ll need their entire lives.


Even 8-10-year-olds need to learn how to collaborate and work with others. Although they work on their own projects, they learn how to work with others. Kids can offer their peers help to get their projects off the ground.

Public Speaking

Kids also learn how to present their projects. Whether it’s in front of a group on a screen or in person, they will learn the public speaking skills needed for their class and as they get older.

Kids also learn how to make friends through their coding class. They already have something in common, so they can build on that to grow their friendships. At MakerKids, kids can meet peers from around the world in our online classes. This is also a great way to meet kids from other cultures that they may have never met before.

Coding Classes at MakerKids

As you can see, coding is a necessary skill for 8-10 year-olds to learn. We make it easy at MakerKids. Our coding classes are virtual, making them easy to get to and allowing kids to meet so many different children.

Call us today at 1-844-MAKERKIDS or reach out to us online for more information on how your child can begin to learn coding. We offer a FREE trial class so your child can see how much fun a coding class can be!


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