When you think about a camp for your kids, you probably envision them in an outdoor space. At MakerKids, we bring camp indoors to get your child’s mind thinking about STEM-related topics and robotics in ways they never have before. The best part is that you don’t have to wait until summer to get your child involved. While we do offer summer camp options, we also have March Break camp as well as Winter camp and after-school programs so that your child can enjoy MakerKids year-round.

Why camp at MakerKids?

Camp at MakerKids makes sense because it not only allows your child to create a unique project but also introduces them to other kids who have the same interests. They learn how to work together and share ideas. Through our various camp options, children learn leadership skills that will benefit them long after camp is over.

Our March Break camp lasts for 4-5 days and is what we call an incubator camp, teaching kids robotics, coding, and Minecraft. During the camp, they’ll learn how to make their own projects and work with others.

Our summer camp programs are longer and offer a wide variety of topics. Robotics, coding, and Minecraft are all available as well as the 4-5 day incubator camp. Don’t worry, we also take the kids outside to move around and take a break!

In each of the specialty camps, kids will learn the ins and outs of each topic the camp covers. Robotics’ campers will learn how to create an electronic invention while kid coders will learn everything they need to know about making their own videogame. Minecraft camp covers what makes the game tick. The incubator camp brings all of the topics of the specialty camps into one for a sampler camp that allows kids to learn about each topic.

The goal in all of the MakerKids’ camps and programs is to not only teach children the skills needed in each area but to also foster leadership skills and teach them how to work together. All of the skills learned at our camps and programs are ones they can use throughout their lives.

If you want to learn more about the various camp options or any of our programs, call MakerKids today at 1-844-MAKERKIDS. You can also go online to register. Find out what makes our programs so successful and enjoyable.

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