Today we are excited to announce that we are launching programs in the EAST END!
We will be running the programs at Monkey Magoo’s at 1212 Kingston Rd (Upper Beaches). See details below and links to sign up.
Robotic Inventions using Arduino – EAST END
10AM-12PM at Monkey Magoo’s (1212 Kingston Rd)
Do you like building things and understanding how they work? Are you interested in learning about electronics and computer programming? In Robotics Inventions you will design, plan, program, and build an electronic invention while using an Arduino and learning how to code. An Arduino is a micro-controntroller, a small computer used as the brain of the robot which can be programmed to control the way buttons, motors, switches, sensors, lights, and other electronic parts interact. By the end of this program you will have learned about many of the cool ways computers and coding are everywhere in your life, and how to plan and build your own amazing devices.
Ages 8-12. $325+HST. 10 weeks x 2 hours.
MakerKids 5-Day Sampler Camp – EAST END
Monday-Friday: 9:00-3:30PM at Monkey Magoo’s in the East End (1212 Kingston Rd, Toronto)
Ages: 8-12
Come learn some of the most popular topics we run at MakerKids!Monday & Tuesday- Video Game Programming with Scratch
Video games are on our phones, our computers,and our watches; they’re everywhere! Playing video games is pretty cool, but have you ever thought about how the games you already love actually work, and how you could build one? We can show you how! You will learn how to design, build, and create your own video game using Scratch. Scratch is a popular introductory programming language made by MIT that uses building blocks of code that fit together to create a program, with no complicated spelling or grammar to worry about. At the end of this program, you will understand how games work, having learned and used core programming concepts to work on your own awesome game.
Wednesday & Thursday – Robotics Using Arduino
Do you like building things and understanding how they work? Are you interested in learning about electronics and computer programming? In Robotics Inventions you will use an Arduino and learn how to code. An Arduino is a micro-controller, a small computer used as the brain of the robot which can be programmed to control the way buttons, motors, switches, sensors, lights, and other electronic parts interact.
Friday – Advanced Minecraft
Do you love Minecraft? You may already have some amazing Minecraft skills, but In this program, you will do so much more with Minecraft than you realized you could. Minecraft is an amazing way to learn new skills and make new friends. Work with people in the real world collaboratively playing and building in the game while learning new skills about cool plugins and how servers work.
Full Camp Experience – $520. Before Care -$50 (8:00 AM – 9:00AM All Week)
After Care – $125 (3:30 PM -6:00 PM All Week).
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