Makeup Policy
Once you have informed us of an up coming absence, a MakerKids staff will add a makeup pass to your account on This pass is a single visit credit that you can use to rebook your class to any other program on another day of the week.
To obtain a makeup pass, email [email protected] at least 24 hours in advance. If you are going to miss more than two classes in a single month, we recommend you request to pause your membership as we allow only one makeup class per month and do not issue refunds or credit for missed classes.
**An email request is required for our records. Makeup passes are not issued over the phone. Makeup passes are not issued retroactively except in extenuating circumstances.**
Please note: We allow one makeup class per month and makeup passes expire after 30 days. We do not issue refunds for missed classes.
Missed Classes
Classrooms open 10 minutes before class is scheduled to start however after 15 minutes past a classes official start time, late students will not be admitted as this causes significant disruption to the ongoing lesson. Students who attempt to join late and are not admitted are considered “no show”.
No show students – both in person and virtual are not entitled to a makeup class, refund or credit.
For membership cancelations please email [email protected] at least 2 business days in advance. Refunds are not provided for cancelations made during the same billing period and no refunds are issued if a client fails to request cancelation prior to a scheduled payment.
For camps, cancelations must be requested before June 15th to receive a refund. Refunds for camp cancelations made after June 15th are contingent on MakerKids filling the camp seat. Cancellations for Winter break or March break camps must be made a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the start of the program to receive a refund. Refunds for cancellations requested within 2 weeks of the program start date are contingent on MakerKids filling the empty seat.
Booking a Makeup class
Using a makeup pass works just the same as enrolling in a program- simply head to and pick the class you want to attend as a makeup.
First, navigate to your desired programs registration page by selecting “enroll”

Then, select a class on your preferred makeup date
And press enroll
Follow the prompts and select your makeup pass to finalize your makeup booking
And that’s it! Once you hit finish, your makeup pass will be used and you will be added to the class list. If you have booked a virtual makeup, you will receive a class link 24 hours in advance.