It’s March camp time in many communities across the country. Think of it as a pre-game for summer camp season. Since it’s only a week, the preps are not as extensive as a summer camp when your child may be gone for a couple of weeks at a time. But still, you need to make sure they have everything they need so March camp is the best experience it can be. Get your pencils ready to go through this checklist for your camper. This list works for summer camps as well!

Supply Central

March Break Camp Supplies

Just because your child is going to a tech camp doesn’t mean everything will be supplied. Check to see if he or she has to bring their own laptop or USB port.

Also, if your child needs to bring their own computer, check to see what specific software will be used. You don’t want your child to miss out on any of the activities. Other camps may required additional supplies for outdoor activities. Be sure to always send a notebook and plenty of pencils as well.

Ideas & Extras

Ask what types of projects the kids will be working on and what concepts they need to start developing. Some kids need more time than others for that great idea to blossom while others can just raise their hands on the spot. Also, with all of those great ideas find out if any extra supplies are needed to make those ideas a reality. While many camps may provide everything they may not have something specific to your child’s vision.

Changes of Clothes & Rain Gear

Don’t assume that kids at tech camps don’t go outside. Ask if outdoor activities are part of the program. If so, a rain jacket or poncho, with a hood, of course, is a must. You may also want to look into rain boots or some type of waterproof shoe. There’s nothing worse than wet feet. That usually leads to kids getting sick and no one wants that to happen. An extra sweatshirt is also a good idea. Mother Nature is unpredictable, especially during March.


March Break Camp While basic meals are probably included in the camp fee, those extra snacks may not.

Be sure to send portable, healthy snacks so your child doesn’t go hungry. Some ideas include granola bars, apples, and bananas. You’ll want to check the camp’s policy regarding snacks and allergies first. Peanut-free snacks are probably your best bet.


March Break Camp If your child has an allergy or medical condition, make sure the camp has the proper medication.

This includes everything from EpiPens to inhalers.

Do you have everything ready? If not, there’s still time to get your camper prepared for March Break and camp. Don’t forget the most important thing…tell them to have fun!

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