Next week is our March Break Camp! You can sign up for the whole week experience or 1 day at a time:
Monday – Robots
Build a wired remote controlled thing. Learn skills like wiring, soldering, working with motors and more! You can also learn how to use Arduino and infrared control with your robot (this is an extra $55, please select this option at checkout in addition to the camp ticket)
Tuesday – 3D printing
We’ll work with a 3D scanner! Sculpt something out of plasticine and then scan it! We’ll also learn how to 3D print things like a PEZ candy dispenser top and learn how to turn a positive into a negative to create chocolate molds!
Wednesday – Minecraft
Minecraft build day! Build a pirate cove or a space station or your own dream place in Minecraft! Learn new digital skills like podcasting!
Thursday – Woodworking
We’ll learn how to make bat houses and bird feeders and build toy boats with propellers and motors! Learn new skills and how to work with different tools.
Friday -Video and Special Effects
We’ll learn how to film, edit and record a video! We’ll start with learning how to create storyboards and planning out the story and plot line. Next, we’ll create the scene and start filming the story. You can also use the things you made throughout the week in your story. It’s editing time! We’ll learn how to edit the footage and also add special effects using free software.
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