MakerKids Bloor West Park Policy
Safety is our #1 priority, on and off site. In addition to following OCA guidelines and best practices to ensure park trips are safe, MakerKids also uses the following guidelines to decide when environmental conditions are too hazardous.
Extreme Weather: Whenever any extreme weather alert or special weather alert is issued for the Toronto area, programs will remain on site. In cases of very extreme weather, MakerKids may end programs early or cancel programs outright as travel conditions would be too hazardous for staff and students alike.
Rain: If light rain is expected within an hour of departure time, staff on site will use their discretion based on existing conditions. If heavy rain is expected, we will remain on site, unless staff determine the chance of heavy rain is low or rain will not start until well after returning to site.
Lightning: If lightning is detected in a 10km radius within 1 hour before, or expected within 1 hour after a park trip, We will stay on site and not go to the park. In the event of weather induced power outages, programs will be canceled, and parents will be contacted to come pick up children early.

Snow: Park trips will still occur during light snowfalls, however if heavy snow, high winds, or extreme cold is expected, we will remain on site.
Air Quality
Children’s lungs are particularly vulnerable to poor air quality. To protect the health of your child, MakerKids has air purifiers on site and monitors outdoor air quality when planning park trips. Air Quality Index (AQI) ratings of 101-150 are considered hazardous for sensitive groups, which include children and people with asthma. AQI ratings of 151-200 are hazardous for all individuals. When AQI ratings meet or exceed 100, MakerKids classes will remain indoors.