Start Your Free Trial

Book A Free Trial Class

kids coding camp Toronto
kids coding camp Toronto

Try the MakerKids experience

Sign up for our free trial period, where you child can participate in some of our award-winning STEM curriculum and meet our excellent instructors! During the classes, students are introduced to many of the skills, techniques, and technologies they’ll be encountering on a weekly basis. All our class times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

kids coding camp Toronto
kids coding camp Toronto

Try the MakerKids experience

Join us for a free session where you child can participate in some of our award-winning STEM curriculum and meet one of our excellent instructors! During the class students are introduced to many of the skills, techniques, and technologies they’ll soon be encountering on a weekly basis. All our trial classes are in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Select the Location Nearest to You to Book Your Trial

All trial classes are VIRTUAL (learn from home) and taught by live instructors.
Select the location closest to you to ensure you are enrolled with a MakerKids community near you.

How It Works


Choose Your Program

Our programs are focused on Minecraft, Coding, and/or Robotics. With various options for weekly sessions, find the program and time that works best for you!


Sign Up For Your
Free Trial Period

Our free trial period will give a great overview of MakerKids and help your family get a sense of if our programs are right for you. If you don’t like it, you can cancel, no questions asked!


Onboarding Call
& Tech Check

Visit our FAQs or book a session with one of our mentors to make sure your child is all set to start creating!


Start Creating

New parents are always surprised at how fast their child becomes self-sufficient with our programs. Help them get started on the first day and enjoy child-free time to work or relax!

How It Works


Register for a Free
MakerKids Class

Our intro class will give a great overview of MakerKids and help your child pick which program is best for them


Choose Your Program

Our programs are focused on Minecraft, Coding, or Robotics. With options for weekly 1 or 2-hour sessions, find the program and time that works best for you!


Tech Check

Visit our FAQs or book a session with one of our mentors to make sure your child is all set to start creating!


Start Creating

New parents are always surprised at how fast their child becomes self-sufficient with our programs. Help them get started on the first day and enjoy 1-2 hours of child-free time to work or relax!