When you ask your kids what they did at school, you likely get a response similar to “nothing” or “stuff”. The same may be true when you ask them what did at an afterschool program or camp. Some kids just don’t go into detail about what they did all day while others will give you a play-by-play of the entire day. If your child falls into the first category, you are likely left with plenty of answered questions at the end of the day.

Whether your child already participates in a robotics camp or you’re thinking about enrolling your child in a program, let’s take a look at what kids learn at robotics camp at MakerKids.

Robotics Camp 411

At MakerKids, children in grades 3-8 can take part in robotics camp. Classes are separated for third-fifth graders and sixth-eighth graders. Each class allows kids to make creations they only thought possible in their dreams.

Kids learn the basics and then build on those to create projects that not only light up and spin, while also getting the necessary skills to code a “robot brain”. One of the most beneficial things about robotics camp is that kids get to create projects that people can actually use. This realization is something that truly blows their minds.

Some of the projects that students at MakerKids have made include nightlights, motion-activated alarms, and rovers. Kids not only learn the skills to make these projects, but they also learn the art of giving and receiving feedback on their designs.

Other Skills Learned at Robotics Camp

While kids learn the so-called “hard skills” of learning the skills it takes to make robotics projects, they also learn “soft skills” that they can apply in many areas of their life. In robotics camp, kids need to have the self-confidence to introduce their project and believe that it is viable. In life, we all need to have this skill.

Without creativity, none of their ideas would flourish. When kids learn how to be confident in their ideas, they can also become more creative. As creativity takes off, the sky is the limit to what they can accomplish!

We can’t forget about teamwork. Without it, we would be nowhere. In robotics camp, kids learn how to be team players to accomplish a goal. The old saying, “there’s no I in team”, is one that truly applies in robotics camp. By learning to work as a team, kids learn how to bounce ideas off of one another and work together to reach a common goal.

If you want your child to learn all of the skills we’ve been talking about at a robotics camp, you may want to look into the programs offered at MakerKids. Robotics is a big part of the curriculum and is an area that kids thrive in at MakerKids. For more information, call us at 1-844-MAKERKIDS or visit us online.

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