These days, parents and kids are trying many new things online, coding classes being one of them. As many places remain closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, logging on is the only way kids can stay connected to their activities and try new ones.
If your child is trying coding for the first time, there are a few things you should know as they begin. Let’s take a look at some important things to keep in mind for online coding for beginning kids.
Look for a program that teaches the basics
If your child is just starting out, you don’t want to overwhelm them with things they don’t know. You want to look for a program that teaches the basics. You don’t want anyone to assume that they already know things that they don’t. If kids feel overwhelmed as they start, they’ll be less likely to stick with it.
Tell kids to be patient
Since kids are going to be online, they’re going to need to be more patient than if they were in an in-person class. They need to learn to give the instructor time to get to them and answer their questions. If they don’t, they’ll also get frustrated. Mentors who teach online coding for beginning kids also need to be patient with kids as they learn this new skill.
Teach kids to set goals
Setting goals in a new class is also important. This will give kids something to work towards and make them feel accomplished once they finish. A virtual class should be treated the same as an in-person class when it comes to setting goals and reaching them.
Build on skills
Students who are taking part in classes for online coding for beginning kids should always work on building their skills. When they start out it’s going to be a lot of learning the lingo and how to start things out. But, as they get to know what they’re doing, they can build on their skills and move out of the beginner stage. Many online programs offer classes for different skill levels so that kids can continue their projects and learn new things.
Contact Maker Kids
If you’re looking for classes for online coding for beginning kids, contact MakerKids. We offer classes for kids in grades 1-8. There are different skill levels so kids can start where they feel comfortable and move up as they get older. Check out our online offerings on our site or call us at 1-844-MAKERKIDS for more information.
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