When you think about STEM, it’s important to get girls involved in the various topics, just as much as boys. Why? Because the number of women in Canada’s technology sector needs to grow. Statistics show that in Canada, only 21% of graduates in technology and education and 9% of software developers are female. This means there is plenty of room for women to grow in this sector. What better way to do this than to get girls involved in coding?
This is also a great time to look at the need for women in the technology sector as we mark International Women’s Day in March. International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate the achievements of women in all areas. It’s also a time to rally for women’s equality.
Taking all of this into consideration, let’s take a closer look at some specific ways why STEM for girls and coding is important in 2021.
At what age should girls start coding?
If you do some research, you’ll find that the consensus on when girls should start coding is around age 7. This is usually the time when they can start to learn programming basics. We all know that kids pick up new concepts quickly, so getting kids started young is always a good idea.
How can I get my girl interested in code?
One way to get girls interested in coding at a young age is to get them involved in activities that promote STEM and coding. This can be through coding classes for kids online. These classes introduce the basics and help kids build upon their skills as they learn.
You also want to empower girls that they can code. Some may feel intimidated and may not even want to try. Showing them coding in their everyday lives is also a way to get girls interested. Once they see how many different places coding exists, they may want to learn more about it.
You can also introduce girls to women in the field. Ask around and see what businesses near you may have women who are coders. Once you do this, ask to see if they would talk to your daughter, or ask if there are any shadowing opportunities. Either of these is a great way to get a girl interested in code.
What are some STEM activities for girls?
STEM activities for girls can range from toys that promote STEM to visiting a science museum. There are many STEM activity sets that you can buy for girls to do at home. This can include chemistry sets and building sets.
There are also many different experiments that kids can do online. This includes learning how to build a volcano, making a water cycle in a bag, and building bridges and structures with popsicle sticks and glue.
A visit to a science museum is also a good way to introduce many STEM activities at once. This can help to see what areas girls are most interested in. The key is to find an area that is of interest and expand upon it. If girls are not interested, they’re not going to want to participate. Once you find what they like, you can introduce different activities.
Is coding good for kids?
Coding is extremely good for kids because it helps in several developmental areas.
- Problem Solving
- Communication
- Creativity
- Confidence Building
As kids learn to code, they learn how to solve problems. To do this, they’re going to have to be creative and learn how to be resilient. Their first ideas may not always work. But, if they keep trying, they will succeed. This builds the confidence that girls can bring with them as they get older.
What social skills will my child learn from after-school activities?
When children take part in after-school activities they learn how to interact with their peers. This is important because while kids get to see other kids in school, the time they get to socialize is limited. During after-school activities, they learn how to talk to and respect one another.
During these activities, they also learn how to work as a team. Team building skills are invaluable as children get older. It’s important to know how to work as a team in a professional setting. If kids can acquire this trait early on, they’ll be one step ahead.
After-school activities help kids to practice self-control. This allows them to listen to others’ ideas and know when to add to the conversation. They learn not to interrupt and how to interact with other kids and adults.
MakerKids is a great place for kids to learn these skills and more. We offer coding classes for kids online that teach them the basics and help them to interact with others. To learn more, check us out online or call 1-844-MAKERKIDS.
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