If you thought camp was only for summer, think again. At MakerKids, we know that kids need activities, and engagement throughout the year. That’s why we offer a winter camp full of STEM topics and projects besides our regular programs.

As the mercury drops, we turn up the heat and get kids excited about STEM. For some students, it’s a continuation of their current activities as they work to improve their skills. For other kids, it’s the first time they’ve ever tried a STEM project. Whichever category your child falls into, they will walk away with valuable skills.

This year, our winter camp is virtual. This allows children to attend from the comfort of their homes. This also makes it easier for children from various locations to take advantage of the program.


Why Maker Kids Winter Camp?

MakerKids is a trusted name when it comes to educating young minds about coding and other STEM-related activities. Our programs are custom-made to educate your child and expose them to new ideas.

Winter Camp Topics

Our topics for winter camp include robotics, coding, Minecraft, and idea incubator.

Children in grades 1-8 can take part in various activities at our winter camp program. Our youngest students can enroll in the Mini-Makers program which introduces them to coding, robotics, and Minecraft. In this program, kids get to design their own video, create robotic inventions, and also explore the cool Minecraft world.

Older children in grades 3-8 can be a part of the idea incubator STEM camp, robotics, coding, or Minecraft camp. In the idea incubator program, children dive into the three STEM topics of coding, robotics, and Minecraft. The projects are age-appropriate and help kids develop their skills.

In each of the specific STEM camps, children get to learn the basics as well as build on any skills they may already have. Each camp has a mentor to maker ratio of 1:5 or better so each child is getting the individual attention they need to thrive.

Even though the camps are virtual, students still get to meet other kids who are makers and build their confidence and problem-solving skills.

Learn More about Winter Camp at MakerKids

Whether you’re looking for a fun winter camp experience or want to learn more about our other programs, contact the team at MakerKids. We would love to speak with you about our programs and how your child can benefit.

As kids spend more time at home due to the pandemic this is a perfect time to introduce them to a new skillset or let them build on ones they already have. Call us today at 1-844-MAKERKIDS to learn more about our winter camp experiences that are available for your child.

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