Weekly Classes

Register for MakerKids’ Award Winning STEM Classes for Kids. Got a scheduling conflict? Read our Makeup Policy Here.

Gr. 1-2 Mini Makers

Kids get introduced to two of our core topics: coding, and robotics by completing fun STEM projects and activities in our Mini Makers class!

Coding: They will learn everything they need to know to code their very own game!

Robotics: Kids use online robotics simulator technology to learn how to make electronic creations that they previously only dreamed of.

Gr. 1-2 Mini Makers Minecraft

In our Mini Makers Minecraft program, kids gain invaluable computer experience while also being introduced to more advanced concepts such as remote servers and running commands. Most importantly of course they’ll be communicating and collaborating with a team of other kids equally excited about Minecraft learning how to be a good netizen while making friends and having fun.

Gr. 3-8 Idea Incubator

The Idea Incubator program at MakerKids allows kids to learn about and develop projects in Coding, Robotics, and Minecraft! Classes rotate between these three topics, using a multidisciplinary approach to draw connections between topics in class and the world around us.

Gr. 3-8 Coding

Kids will learn everything they need to know to code their very own game: character development, storyboarding, animation, environment and level design, beta testing and, of course, coding.

Gr. 3-8 Coding

Kids will learn everything they need to know to code their very own game: character development, storyboarding, animation, environment and level design, beta testing and, of course, coding.

Gr. 3-8 Coding: Python

Python is a modern programming language that is growing in popularity faster than any other. Unlike many languages that don’t care about spaces and indents in your code, Python uses this “whitespace” to help keep things organized. The functions in Python are very English-like and it has a huge repository of libraries you can install to handle practically any task.

Students will gain the ability to install Python, create scripts with commands used in real world computer science, parse files and play with strings (lists of letters). They will also grasp core ideas of shell computing and navigating/modifying the operating system via the command line interface (lower level means of communication with computer systems).

Kids will be equipped with skills they can take anywhere! Returning Makers who have taken a coding class with us before are welcome. Note this course contains lots of reading and technical typing.

Gr. 3-8 Robotics

Kids will learn everything they need to know to code their very own robotics projects using industry-leading microcontrollers: the Arduino and the MicroBit (sponsored by BBC. With the help of easy-to-use block-based online coding interfaces, kids experience a very capable and rewarding introduction to robotics. Basic circuitry and programming concepts are also covered to give students a good foundation for more complex components and coding structures later on.

Gr. 3-8 Robotics

With kids comfortable using robotics interfaces and a number of projects under their belt, more fundamental robotic programming structures are tackled. After covering conditional statements and a few other slightly more abstract coding tools like variables, the intermediate section moves through component after component teaching kids what they do, how they work, and then presenting projects that they can utilize them in.

Gr. 3-8 Minecraft

Minecraft Makers will be learning how to build, plan and code not just play in Minecraft! Makers will collaborate with their classmates to plan out large building projects while their instructor helps to guide and teach new skills to them each week. These skills will include more intermediate circuit logic using Redstone, coding elements using command blocks and 3D design using geometry and mathematics.

Free Trial Classes

MakerKids Virtual trial classes have open registration and families can register any time. You can register for a Virtual trial by clicking here

For In Person drop in trials, we ask families to request a class through this form prior to attending to ensure your Maker gets placed in the correct class.


Idea Incubator



No Classes – Front Desk Open





Idea Incubator








Fridays: Closed

Questions? Having Trouble Booking?