#1 Virtual Weekly STEM Programs

Rated #1 Kids Programs

Unleash Your Child’s Potential

Fun, Safe and Educational

Request more Info or Schedule a Free Trial Class

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2 hour sessions once a week (4 sessions a month).
Pick a timeslot and come for it each week.

Start anytime!

Trial Classes

New makers must take a trial / orientation class before starting a weekly program.

Grades 3-5

Kids must be in Grades 3-5
Click here for Grades 1-2 or 6-8.

Curriculum Platform

Kids progress through exercises on our curriculum platform and achieve badges and levels along the way.

1:8 Ratio

1:8 Maker-Mentor to Student ratio, or better. All instructors are police-checked, first-aid trained, triple-reference checked, and highly trained.

Join our Kids Online Programs: Robotics, Coding or Minecraft

At MakerKids we provide ongoing virtual classes that students can join from the comfort of home, at a time that works for you.

Are you looking for the perfect activity for your son or daughter?

Our live online STEM classes will quickly have them creating fun projects within a group of their peers at whatever level they are currently at. Our live instructors make sure that they get the help they need at exactly the right time.

Interested in online kids’ STEM classes and tutoring? Your child will learn the foundations of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), while building key social and change-making skills. Kids will create their own inventions in our weekly programs. Classes are 2 hour sessions once a week (4 sessions a month), after school or on the weekends. Sign up for the weekly timeslot of your choice and pay on a monthly basis.

Timeslots for our online STEM classes are limited, so register ASAP to avoid disappointment.

Live Instructors

Our online environment lets your child interact with the instructor much as they would in person. Video conferencing and screen-sharing capabilities allow teachers to work with participants in a group as well as individually.

Individualized Approach

We recognize that each maker learns best at their own pace. Maker-Mentors offer individual support and help with project design and debugging to each maker individually. The video conferencing technology we use allows instructors to view each maker’s work as needed.

Small Group Sizes

Groups have a maximum of 5 students per teacher.

Whether you call it digital, virtual, remote, online, learn from home, or videoconference – participants will learn together in small groups from live teachers!

Coding Programs for Kids

Coding Programs

Grades 3-5 & 6-8

Coding is an important language to learn. With the demand for STEM workers continuing to increase, learning coding from an early age is a sure way to gain an advantage in today’s competitive career world. Kids code games, websites and more. They learn how computers work, exercise creativity by coming up with ideas for how their project will look and feel, and build resilience and perseverance when trouble-shooting their code.

Kids will learn everything they need to know to code their very own game: character development, storyboarding, animation, environment and level design, beta testing and, of course, coding.

Skills Learned: Resilience, Confidence, Internet Safety, Logic, Game Design, Beta-Testing

Robotics Programs

Grades 1-2, 3-5 & 6-8

Design the world around you! In our Robotics programs, kids will design, plan, program, and build electronic inventions while using an electronic robotics microcontroller and learning how to code. Kids will better understand how everyday objects around them work and will have the opportunity to bring their ideas to life.

The microcontrollers we use are used by industry professionals.

Kids make electronic creations that they previously could have only dreamed of. Code a ‘robot brain’ to make something awesome. Kids get to see the results of their code right before their eyes. They realize that they can make things that others can use. Kids exercise creativity by developing project ideas, learn to design projects for specific user needs, and give and receive feedback on their designs

Skills Learned: Self-Confidence, Creativity, Teamwork, Coding, Electronics, Math, Reading, Writing, Design

Minecraft Programs

Grades 3-5 & 6-8

In our Minecraft programs, kids learn how to make Minecraft even more awesome, how computers and servers work, and core computer programming concepts while collaborating with kids equally excited about Minecraft.

We use the incredibly popular game Minecraft (now a mandatory school subject in Finland) as a medium to help kids build transferable skills such as coding, electronics, 3D design, servers, and more. We leverage kids’ interest in Minecraft as a gateway to introduce them to other STEM topics such as Robotics and Coding. Minecraft is also a great medium for teaching positive netizen skills and communication skills. Kids build amazing digital creations.

Skills Learned: Social Skills, Patience, Communication, Teamwork, Problem-Solving, Coding, 3D Design

Reserve your child’s spot in our leading-edge programs

1. Check out our calendar for classes and enroll in the weekly timeslot you want.

2. This will prompt you to add a plan to your cart

3. To add your child or children, create an account. In your profile, scroll down on the right and you can add dependents.

Space is limited. Sign up for a program today to reserve your child’s spot!

Technical Requirements

Basic Requirements:

  • A internet connection
  • Working Microphone and Speakers – We recommend a set of headphones or headset (which has been tested and is working) with an integrated microphone so that you can hear us and we can hear you as clearly as possible. If you do not have headphones or a headset, please ensure your child is in a quiet place – as long as they have speakers and a microphone and are in a quiet place it will be fine. Please reduce background noise or move to a quiet area for the benefit of all kids in the class. 
  • Optional: Webcam – Either external or built-in (many laptops have an integrated camera).
  • Laptop or desktop (not tablet or phone)
  • Keyboard and mouse
  • Chrome browser

Detailed System Requirements:

  • Broadband internet connection (ideally with at least 1.2Mbps download and 600Kbps upload speeds)
  • For Coding Classes: 4GB of RAM or more (<4GB RAM may work but may be unstable in some situations)
  • For Minecraft and Idea Incubator classes ONLY
    • Minecraft system requirements (source
      • Minecraft: PC (Windows 7 or later) or Mac (OSX 10.7 or later) computer (not a Chromebook)
        • CPU: Intel Core i3-3210 3.2 GHz / AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz or equivalent (older or less powerful CPUs may work but may be unstable in some situations)
        • RAM: 4GB or more (<4GB RAM may work but may be unstable in some situations)
    • Minecraft Java Edition Launcher Installed 
        • A Minecraft Java Edition Account Purchased

Learn More

Call us at 1-844-MAKERKIDS to book your virtual program today!

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Looking for help? Get in touch with us

Your child can learn leading STEM skills from home

Remote Minecraft Programs & Camps
Virtual Coding Programs & Camps
Online Robotics Programs & Camps