One of the most popular topics that we teach at MakerKids is robotics. We teach it using an awesome technology called Arduino, in 10-week programs, camps, and more. What is Arduino, you ask? Well let us tell you. It might look complicated, but it’s not. This program is great for beginners and those with more experience (they will be able to learn new skills).

An Arduino is a micro-controntroller — a small computer used as a “brain”, that can be programmed to make LED lights blink, buzzers make sound, motors spin, and more.
In this program (which is great for ages 8+), kids learn in an open-ended, exploratory way about how to do computer programming (AKA coding) and use electronics such as switches and sensors. These skills are highly transferable, and allow kids to learn coding in a really fun way where they get to see the results of the code that they have written right next to them in physical form (e.g. lights blinking).
Kids start off by learning about robotics and the basics of Arduino, and then they go on to create their own project. Kids have made all sorts of projects with Arduino at MakerKids! Some prime examples are a nightlight (where an LED light turns on when it gets dark), digital music with a buzzer (you could program it to sing Happy Birthday, for example), and more. They will be able to use these skills to make new projects in the future with their Arduino.
The creator and CEO of Arduino, Massimo Banzi, is on MakerKids’ Board of Advisors. He has also come to visit MakerKids in Toronto several times and trained us. Here are some videos of Massimo talking about MakerKids:
Here are some upcoming opportunities to learn Arduino with MakerKids:
Robotics Inventions using Arduino — ages 8–12
Do you like building things and understanding how they work? Are you interested in learning about electronics and computer programming? In Robotics Inventions you will design, plan, program, and build an electronic invention while using an Arduino and learning how to code. An Arduino is a micro-controntroller, a small computer used as the brain of the robot which can be programmed to control the way buttons, motors, switches, sensors, lights, and other electronic parts interact. By the end of this program you will have learned about many of the cool ways computers and coding are everywhere in your life, and how to plan and build your own amazing devices.
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Custom Programs — At Your Location or Ours
We can also run custom programs for your group. We have run multi-week Robotics Inventions using Arduino classes at schools such as Toronto French School, Royal St George’s College, and more. Also, The York School’s grade 10 class chose to do their annual week-long trip to our headquarters in Toronto. They made some advanced projects such as this 3D printed keyboard that plays music using Arduino:
To learn more, check out our website at
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