Often, children are asked the question, what do you want to be when you grow up? This can be a daunting question to answer with so many possibilities out there. But, if your child enjoys coding or wants to learn more, it can lead to some amazing careers.

What types of careers include coding skills?

We’re going to answer that question and look at how exposure to STEM and coding classes can build an interest that can last a lifetime.

Coding Career Opportunities

Coding skills can be used in a wide variety of careers. Here are just a few of the most popular job titles that your child may hold one day!

Web Developer

Web developers use coding skills to create and maintain websites. They use a variety of coding languages such as HTML and JavaScript.


Mobile App Developer

Many kids are into apps and may be happy to know that they can create their own apps one day using the coding skills they’ve learned. Coding skills are needed to create and maintain apps for smartphones and tablets. Java and Swift are just two of the coding languages used in this type of job.

Game Developer

Coding classes, like the ones offered at MakerKids, teach kids the skills they need to develop their own video games. This can be a lucrative career because of the popularity of a variety of video games and consoles on the market. New games are always being created, so the sky’s the limit!

Software Engineer

Software engineers use the skills learned in coding classes to design, develop, and test software applications. Coding languages such as Java and Python are most commonly used.

Data Scientist

Data scientists collect, analyze, and interpret large amounts of data to help a variety of businesses. They can use languages like Python to analyze data that will help businesses make important decisions.

How Coding Classes Can Lead to a Career

The skills children learn in coding classes can lead to a career as they foster their interest and hone their skills. Jobs in the technology sector are not expected to disappear anytime soon. Children who know how to code can have an advantage over their peers because they will have practiced and perfected their coding skills by the time they go out to look for a job.

Besides the coding skill itself, children also learn other skills that they can use in any job market. Coding teaches:

  • Problem-solving
  • Teamwork
  • Creativity
  • Logical Thinking

Children can learn how to solve problems that can pop up with their coding projects and work together with their peers. They will quickly see that when they work together, they can get to the bottom of problems quicker and learn what others have to contribute to help their projects. This combined with the logical thinking that coding utilizes will allow them to succeed in coding classes and their future careers.

As they use their imaginations to create video games, apps, or whatever else they dream of, they can put their creativity to good use.

Enroll in Coding Classes at MakerKids

python coding

If you want your child to reap the benefits of coding classes now and in the future, try coding for kids at MakerKids. We offer programs for kids in grades 1-8, all geared to their specific age group. Children work with mentors who can help them build their skills, answer their questions, and help craft them into the coders of the future!

Call MakerKids today at 416-385-3577 to learn more or check us out online.

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