We are looking for more volunteers for this weekend and next weekend for some exciting activities. Volunteers can be of any skillset / background – we need lots of bodies, and are able to provide a bit of training! Volunteering will help more kids to become makers, both at the event and by spreading the word about MakerKids. Plus, you will be one of the first to get to wear our brand new MakerKids t-shirts! Here are all the details.

This weekend (Sept 14 & 15) is the Polish Festival in Roncesvalles (http://polishfestival.ca) and we are running a robot battle there. People will get to create robots, affix balloons and pointy objects to them, and then face them off against each other and see which is the last robot standing! (e.g. which one still has its balloon intact). Volunteer windows are 10AM-9:30PM on Saturday, and 10AM-8PM on Sunday. Volunteering at this will provide you with the opportunity to help shape the robot battle activity in advance of it happening again the following weekend at Maker Faire Toronto.

The following weekend (Sept 21 and 22) is Maker Faire Toronto! (www.makerfairetoronto.com) Volunteer windows are 9AM-6:30PM both days at Wychwood Barns. At this event, MakerKids will be running a robot battle (similar to the one at the Polish Festival) on the Sunday. Also, all weekend we will be running a toy hacking booth where kids can come and hack / mash together toys. We are seeking toy donations for this! We are able to offer volunteers free entry into Maker Faire.

Please let us know if you are able to volunteer at one or both of these, and when you would be available to do so, by emailing [email protected] ASAP.

Thanks so much,
[email protected]

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