If your child has decided that 2021 is going to be the year they start learning how to code, great! Coding is a skill that can not only help them now but can prepare them for a future in the STEM world. Many computer-based jobs are in demand and if that trend continues your child will be in a good position as they get older.
How can a coding for kids program be successful for your child? Let’s take a look at three tips to keep in mind as your child embarks on this exciting journey.
1. Learning to Code is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
As your child begins to learn how to code, it’s important to remind them that the learning process is a marathon, not a sprint. In the beginning, it’s going to be challenging to learn, as is anything new. But, if your child sticks with it and paces themselves, they’ll get a lot out of their program as they learn this new skill.
If your child gets frustrated, remind them that they are starting something new and there’s always going to be a learning curve. Also, be sure that the program they are enrolled in is age-appropriate. You want to be sure that what they are learning is not too difficult because they will get frustrated. You also want the material to be challenging enough that they’re not getting bored.
2. Don’t Compare Progress to Others in Class
For any coding for kids program to be successful, your child can’t compare their progress to others. Other children may work faster or grasp concepts more quickly. This doesn’t mean that your child won’t learn the same thing. It may just take them a little longer and that’s okay.
On the flip side, if they get the concepts quicker than others, they should learn to be patient. They may also want to try to help other students. Many times kids may get an idea better when a classmate explains it in a different way than the instructor.
3. Be sure the Program is Fun and Interactive
We all know that many times kids don’t like to feel like they’re in school when they’re doing after school activities. The more fun and interactive a program is, the more kids will like it and really dive in. For coding for kids to be a success, look for programs that provide cool projects that kids will love doing. If they’re not into the projects, they may get turned off to the idea of coding before they even get started.
At MakerKids, our coding programs are not only age-appropriate, but they’re also engaging and fun. Kids learn everything they need to know how to code their very own game. This includes skills for character development, storyboarding, animation, and coding.
All of our classes are broken down so that kids are working with their peers in small groups. This way they are getting the attention they need from their mentor while working with kids their age.
For more information on our coding for kids programs, call us today at 1-844-MAKERKIDS or visit us online.
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