When kids are learning new skills, it’s always good when they can get additional skills out of the main thing they’re learning. These “bonus skills” are often ones that can’t exactly be taught. They’re more ones that kids acquire as they focus on the main task at hand.

Coding programs for kids can help kids to learn many “bonus skills” with resilience being one of them. Let’s take a look at five different ways learning to code can build resilience.

Learning to Code Teaches Kids That’s Okay to Fail

Many kids know that when they succeed everyone cheers for them. They quickly associate failure with something bad when that’s not the case at all. When kids are learning to code, they learn that their ideas may not always work at first. They often need to be tweaked. They may fail at first, but they need to get back up again and keep trying to be a success.

Coding Programs for Kids Teach the Importance of Never Giving Up

It can be so easy to just give up when something doesn’t work out the way we envisioned. Kids taking coding programs learn that they should never give up. They need to keep going no matter how many bumps in the road they may hit along the way. The “never give up” mentality is one that’s important for kids to grasp at an early age.

Coding Programs for Kids Teach Them to Accept Criticism

Accepting criticism and learning from it is an important life skill. It can teach you to be resilient because you have to learn how to listen to criticism and learn from it. Many times we take criticism personally which can impair our growth. If kids can learn to accept criticism, they’ll learn how to turn it around to help them succeed.

Coding Programs for Kids Teaches Troubleshooting

While it’s certainly okay to ask questions when you don’t understand something, it’s also important to try to troubleshoot problems yourself. This helps to teach resilience. Kids learn to rely on themselves when a problem arises. This is important during coding programs for kids and beyond.

Coding for Programs Teach Self-Confidence

When kids learn how to code, they learn how to be confident in their ideas. This helps them to be resilient when other people may start doubting them. This self-confidence can help them in all aspects of their lives.

If you’re looking for coding programs for kids, MakerKids is the place to be. We offer coding programs for kids in grades 3-8. These classes allow kids to focus on their projects and get expert help from our mentors. Our Mini-Makers program allows kids in grades 1-2 to get exposed to some of the basics of coding. For more information on our coding programs for kids, call MakerKids today at 1-844-MAKERKIDS or visit us online.

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