When you think about robotics for kids classes, computers, and cool projects probably comes to mind first. While that’s a big chunk of what they’re going to learn, there are also other valuable skills that kids can pick up in these robotics courses…many of which you may have never thought of.

If you’re thinking of enrolling your child in robotics for kids in the new year, check out these skills that they will learn along the way.

Math Skills

As kids learn robotics skills, they are also sharpening their math skills. Measurements and formulas are a big part of robotics. If kids want to perfect their projects, they’ll need to know how to use math to figure out parts of their project. When they do this, they’ll learn what works and what doesn’t. They’ll also learn how to fix things when they don’t work out at first.

Engineering Skills

When kids are learning about robotics, they’re also picking up on engineering skills. They need to design their project and test different solutions. They’ll start to learn how to analyze their findings and interpret what they mean in terms of their project. Even the youngest of robotics students learn this skill at their level. As kids get older, their skills are more advanced and their engineering skills will develop as well.


During robotics for kids classes, kids quickly learn that there is no “I” in team. While they may be working on their own project, they are also part of a team of creators all striving for the same goal. They learn that by working together they can better solve their problems.  When they don’t work together, they may not get the answers as quickly or may not see the different ways of doing things.

This is similar to being on a sports team. If you want to win the game and be a better player, you need to work together.

Marketing Basics

Depending on their robotics for kids course, they may also pick up some basic marketing skills. They may have to present their project to the class or other groups. When they do this, they have to learn how to show off their creation and make it interesting to the group.

Contact MakerKids for Robotics for Kids’ Courses

At MakerKids, we offer robotics for kids of different ages. Children in grades 1-8 can learn about robotics and how to make some great electronic inventions. They learn how to plan and create projects they may have never thought possible.

Our virtual classes are small groups so that each child gets the individual attention they need to succeed. They are also grouped with their peers so that they can interact and learn from one another.

If you want more information on our robotics and other courses, call us at 1-844-MAKERKIDS or visit us online.

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